I'll learn


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Handsome boys

Meghan and Russell have such a handsome bunch!

Beautiful girls

Ashley and Drew's beautiful girls!

The newest family member!

Here are a few pics of our newest family member,  my sweet lil bean of a grandson. Congrats Rachel, Brad and kids! 

Welcome to the family you sweet little boy. You will learn that your family can be loud, unruly and more than a little inappropriate at times, but we've got your back!

You will always have a shoulder to cry on, arms to hold you, someone to cheer for you and with you, an ear to hear you, a hand to help you, and a heart to love you forever.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Here we go!

Pulling stuff together for malpractice/medical negligence suit has brought all the emotions back to the surface. Broken again, damn it!

If it takes me the rest of my days on this earth, someone will be held accountable for the shoddy care my mother received! No one should go into the hospital for a minor knee repair and come out dead 10 weeks later.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Too little, too late.

 I haven't posted anything new for a while and thought maybe I should explain.

  I thought I would plow my way through this nightmare and get on with my life. I was very wrong. I have been hit with the most overwhelming depression. I don't make it through a single day without breaking at some point. The sense of loss and feelings of guilt mixed with the anger at the whole situation have beaten me down and made me much older than I am. Every single day I wake up and there it is. Sorrow. Overwhelming, unrelenting sorrow and guilt.

 I often find myself wishing that I had some sort of religious faith. It would be easier if I thought that I would see Mom again, that she could tell me she forgives me. Sometimes I think how great it would be if I knew she and Christopher were having a laugh somewhere but I don't really believe it. My mother is dead and gone and she shouldn't be!

 The worst part is knowing that she trusted me to take care of her and I failed. I don't know what else I could have done, but I can't stop feeling that I should have done something more. Now I live in the land of could've, should've, would've. I could have gotten her out of Jefferson Hospital sooner. I should have made her move when the signs were so bad. I would've moved mountains if I had known what was coming.

 So I sit here and cry again. It's 5:30 in the morning and I am taking another antidepressant just to try and make it through the day. 

Too little, too late.


Saturday, September 24, 2011


                                                  Drew , Ashley, Matty, Hailey and Marlee.